Modernizing the web presence of a non-profit

A world-leading mathematical center for collaborative research, Mathematical Science and Research Institute (MSRI) draws talent from around the globe, creative thinkers looking to test theories and explore new ideas. With a convoluted content structure and inefficient search structure, their outdated website didn’t properly represent their innovation.


MSRI needed a modern facelift – a digital presence to excite potential researchers, showcase their talent and course programs. After a comprehensive information architecture audit, user and stakeholder interviews, we set about a full site overall and navigation update. interacted with the site. To achieve this, we created a flexible, user-centric template structure prioritizing clear call-to-actions and intuitive pathways to course listings and sign-ups. Additionally, we designed a modern brand identity that departs from the previous stark UI and incorporates lighter tones and more personalized imagery.


The reputable 30-year institute now had a modern web presence to showcase their innovative culture and contributions.
